School District officials and employees may interview students during the school day. Generally, persons other than parents and school District officials and employees may not interview students during the school day. For purposes of this policy, the school juvenile court officer shall be considered a school employee.
Requests from law enforcement officers and from persons other than parents, school District officials, and employees to interview students are made through the principal's office. Upon receiving a request, it is the responsibility of the principal to determine whether the request will be granted. Generally, prior to granting a request, the principal will attempt to contact the parents to inform them of the request and to ask them to be present.
If a child abuse investigator wishes to interview a student, the principal will determine whether the student should be interviewed independently from the student's parents, whether the school is the most appropriate setting for the interview, and who will be present during the interview.
Students will not be taken from school without the consent of the principal.
First Reading Approved 3/12/2018 Second Reading Approved 4/9/2018