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Resident Students

Children who are residents of the District will attend the school District without paying tuition.

Residence, for purposes of attendance in the school district means the place, abode, or dwelling of the student.  Generally, the legal dwelling of minors is the same as their parents.  However, a student may establish a dwelling with someone other than the parents and attend public school in the school district without paying tuition if the primary purpose for residing in the school district is not for the purpose of obtaining a free public education.  Further, students who have reached the age of majority and who are still eligible to attend an Iowa secondary school may declare their residence independent of the residence of their parents.

Each case involving the bona fide residence of a student will be decided upon its individual merits by the superintendent.

Students who have attained legal age may continue the education program without payment of tuition as long as they are eligible to attend an Iowa public school and are residents of the school district.

Non-Resident Students

Children who are eligible to attend an Iowa public school but who are not legal residents of the school district may be admitted into the school district at the discretion of the superintendent upon application and payment of tuition.  The tuition rate is the current per-pupil cost of the school district as computed by the Board secretary and as authorized by the Iowa Department of Education.

Resident students whose families move from the school district after the start of a semester and who wish to complete the semester in the school district may be permitted to attend without the payment of tuition at the discretion of the superintendent and approval of the Board.  Students who plan to open enroll to the nonresident district may complete the school year without approval of the superintendent or Board.  These students, other than students in grades eleven and twelve, must have the recommendation of the principal.

Students in grades eleven (11) or twelve (12) who are no longer residents of the school District, but were residents in the preceding school year, may continue to attend school until they graduate without the payment of tuition.  These students may be required to identify an adult, who resides in the school District, for purposes of administration.

Nonresident students who are eligible to attend an Iowa public school and who have evidence they will become legal residents of the school District prior to October 1 may be allowed to attend without the payment of tuition.

International Students in Student Foreign Exchange Programs

Qualified international students may be enrolled and attend school without charge for tuition if they are part of an approved Student Foreign Exchange Program.  The principal must give final approval before any such student can enroll.

Upon enrollment, the following items are provided at no cost to the student, natural parent or host parent: Class Dues and Student Activity Pass.  The student must pay for his/her own class ring, hot lunch, and cap and gown.

Before being able to participate in athletics, the student must have on file an approved physical examination.  The examination form provided by the IHSAA and IGHSAU must be used.

Programs or activities for which foreign exchange students are not eligible are: Driver Education and National Honor Society.

For those items not specifically mentioned above, a foreign exchange student has the same rights and responsibilities of all other students.


First Reading Approved  3/12/2018                                      Second Reading Approved 4/9/2018