Facility Rental Contract
Fee Schedule (All fees will be set be the school administration)
Kitchen: Up to $35.00 Kitchen help: Up to $16 per hour
Multi-Purpose room: Up to $30.00 (District cook required when kitchen is used)
Kitchen and Multi Combined: Up to $55.00 Custodial Services: Up to $18 per hour
Large Gymnasium: Up to $55.00 (Includes set up, supervision, and tear down)
Classrooms: $10.00 per room
Sponsoring Organization:_______________________________________________________________________
Responsible Adult Supervisor:___________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:________________________________Cell Phone:_____________________________________
Address:_____________________________________City, State, Zip:__________________________________
Date of Use:__________________________________Time Period:_____________________________________
Rooms to be used:__________________________________Fee:_______________
Sub Total:_______________
Number of hours needed for custodial services and supervision: ________ Fee:_________________
Number of hours needed for kitchen help:________ Fee:_________________
Sub Total:_________________
Total Fee Due:__________________
All damages and services provided will be charged to the sponsoring organization.
Signature of Sponsoring Organization representative:__________________________________date________
Signature of School District representative:__________________________________________date________
School Equipment Needed
Chairs: Y/N _____ Number required: __________ Podium: Y/N _____
Tables: Y/N _____ Number required: __________ Sound System: Y/N _____
Please draw or explain the desired set up or needs for your event below: