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Curriculum development shall be an ongoing process in the school district. Each curriculum area shall be reviewed and revised when necessary according to the timelines set out by the superintendent. These timelines will provide for periodic review of each curriculum area.

The superintendent shall be responsible for curriculum development and for determining the most effective way of conducting research of the school district's curriculum needs and a long-range curriculum development program. In making recommendations to the board, the superintendent shall propose a curriculum that will:

  • fulfill the mission, beliefs, and vision of the school district;
  • reflect current research and best practice;
  • reflect the educational and operational assessments of the school district;
  • identity Standards, Benchmarks, and Critical Objectives for each course or grade level;
  • articulate courses of study from kindergarten through grade twelve;
  • provide for continual assessment of a student's progress;
  • improve instructional practice;
  • meet the long and short range student achievement goals found in the District's School Improvement Plan;
  • meet the requirements of the Iowa Department of Education in meeting General Accreditation Standards.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board apprised of necessary curriculum changes and revisions and to develop administrative regulations for curriculum development. 


First Reading Approved 4/9/18                                                                         Second Reading Approved 5/14/18