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The District and the Board endorse the concept that participation in the affairs of the schools by the students and the community is essential if the school system, the students and the community are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for students.


The District and the Board wish to maintain open, free communications between the students of the District and the various levels of staff, the administration, and the Board itself.  Such communications will usually go through established channels of student government; however, all students have the right to bring individual concerns and suggestions to the attention of teachers, administrators, and the Board.  In addition, students have the right, as do all citizens of the District, to attend open Board meetings and address the Board in accordance with the Board's policy on public participation at Board meetings.


Citizens will be encouraged to express ideas, concerns, and judgments about the schools to the school administration, the staff, any appointed advisory bodies, and the Board via established channels.  Consideration shall be given to the advice that community groups and individuals may give to the Board and the staff, especially to the advice that comes from individuals and groups invited to offer advice on specific issues, but in making decisions, the administration and the Board shall use their own best judgment.


First Reading Approved  2/12/2018                                      Second Reading Approved 3/12/2018